Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Photography Class- Week 4

Fourth assignment: "Panning"

Instructions: Take a total of 2 pictures showing movement. The first picture must have an object in the background in focus, while the object in the foreground (the object moving) must be blurred. The second picture must have an object blurred in the background, while the object in the foreground (the object in motion) must be in focus.

My thoughts: Whew. Ok I think these assignments are getting harder each week (imagine that!). I have a few ideas for this. Dash has a habit of flapping his ears and I think it would be funny to catch him doing this (might be a lil' difficult to do). I also thought about getting a picture of someone coming down the slide, the dogs running, traffic at night...and I have no idea what else. I've got some time to think this over.

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